I'm a huge AL Football Fan. My uncle even was a quarterback under Bear Bryant. I've heard stories of bear bryant and Alabama football all my life... one such story was of how scared he was my granny. "Men", he said "never cross Mrs. O'Rear". I'm also a huge fan of #22 Mark Ingram but I must say that I am some what disappointed in ALABAMA FANS.
I think it's sad when ALABAMA FANS send a weather man hate mail or hate emails and threatening him just because he might have to come on during the game to update the weather conditions... REALLY AL FANS??? Classy!!!
I think it's even WORSE when ALABAMA FANS say that they can't function, rest/sleep, or even eat because of nerves over the big game tonight... REALLY??? REALLY??? But yet you can sleep knowing that there are starving children in this world? or that people don't have a warm place to lay their heads at night??? or that a child won't eat a hot meal or have a warm bed to sleep in???
I think we've forgotten what's truly important in life. I'm not perfect by any means... but I know that a game is not worth losing sleep over or threatening a man's life for. I know that we are to care for others and love deeply.
What is truly important to you???
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