When I walked into Children’s Hospital today I saw little kids running around, some had their protective masks on, some had hair and some didn’t, some were laughing and some just gave a quick smile. But in a split second I realized at how sweet life can be. In an instant I became aware at how blessed I really am and yet I get so upset over the smallest things. Why? These children are sick and hurting and yet they run around with smiles, lifted hands, turning circles, and laughter. Some things were revealed to me today… “do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring enough troubles of it’s own”. God will make a way for things to work. God will bless a broken spirit. God will heal the sick.
I sat in Bailey’s room and there again I noticed how precious and sweet life can be. There in the room sat a sick boy and yet he made time to make jokes… about me! I said “coke” and if you know me this is NOT normal. I usually say “coca cola classic” and so when I said “coke” Bailey quickly said “WHAT DID YOU SAY MAMA J?”. I quickly knew what he was referring too. It’s an inside joke. I was caught. I did not say the usual “coca cola classic” line. We both busted out laughing and again for a moment sickness turned into laughter and I was reminded of how great spending time with others truly is…
So today, enjoy time with friends, family, and complete strangers. Smile at others. Realize that God will make a way! Laugh and tell jokes often. Run with your hands lifted high (like a kid), take each moment in and remember life is SWEET!!!
When I walked into Children’s Hospital today I saw little kids running around, some had their protective masks on, some had hair and some didn’t, some were laughing and some just gave a quick smile. But in a split second I realized at how sweet life can be. In an instant I became aware at how blessed I really am and yet I get so upset over the smallest things. Why? These children are sick and hurting and yet they run around with smiles, lifted hands, turning circles, and laughter. Some things were revealed to me today… “do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring enough troubles of it’s own”. God will make a way for things to work. God will bless a broken spirit. God will heal the sick.
I sat in Bailey’s room and there again I noticed how precious and sweet life can be. There in the room sat a sick boy and yet he made time to make jokes… about me! I said “coke” and if you know me this is NOT normal. I usually say “coca cola classic” and so when I said “coke” Bailey quickly said “WHAT DID YOU SAY MAMA J?”. I quickly knew what he was referring too. It’s an inside joke. I was caught. I did not say the usual “coca cola classic” line. We both busted out laughing and again for a moment sickness turned into laughter and I was reminded of how great spending time with others truly is…
So today, enjoy time with friends, family, and complete strangers. Smile at others. Realize that God will make a way! Laugh and tell jokes often. Run with your hands lifted high (like a kid), take each moment in and remember life is SWEET!!!
Thanks be to God.